Saturday, January 14, 2012

How to Eat a Cupcake- Meg Donohue

Received from Netgalley, forthcoming in March

Annie is basically everything I'm afraid of being in a few years-- a severely underemployed late 20s Berkeley grad who divides her time between her real inspiration, making cupcakes, and dead end side jobs like walking dogs in the Mission. If she were ever slightly so more successful, she'd own a shop in a trendy gentrifying part of Valencia, and be a cool hipster person.

Oh, wait. You see where this is going, right?

How to Eat a Cupcake shifts between two different perspectives, the underachieving Annie and the seemingly perfect, gold spooned Julia, who is set to marry some guy at a winery. Actually, to be fair, one of my absolutely favorite part of this book was the level of detail in describing some of the aspects of the San Francisco neighborhoods, because yes, I am a setting snob. But um, how have the late 20 somethings not kept tabs on each other through Facebook? According to my Actual Late 20 Something Friend, Facebook didn't hit every college until after her graduation, meaning people only friended who they actually wanted to talk to on a regular basis AFTER the fact. How odd! But of course, this logistics means that Annie can awkwardly reconnect with an old friend from high school.. who happens to be Julia's ex! Scandalous.

Chick lit is not dead! Long live chick lit!

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